查英语 >英语阅读 >揭露关于女性创业的误解


更新时间:2024-04-24 01:15:51

  Cynthia Breazeal has never considered herself a woman entrepreneur. An entrepreneur? Yes. A leader? Certainly. But gender really has never come into play as she expanded her company Jibo, the maker of the worlds first family robot.


  Still, today is Womens Entrepreneur Day, a global movement to celebrate and support female founders and shed light on some of their challenges. So Fortune interviewed Breazeal, as well as Susan Coelius Keplinger, the co-founder of online ad platform Triggit, about their experiences building their respective companies from scratch. Both women are part of Fortunes 2014 class of Most Promising Entrepreneurs.

  今天是女性创业日,作为一项全球性活动,女性创业日的目的是鼓励和支持女性创业者,了解她们遇到的挑战。因此,《财富》杂志(Fortune)采访了布雷西亚和在线广告平台Triggit的联合创始人克利乌斯o凯普林格,了解她们白手起家进行创业的经历。两人均被评为《财富》2014年最有前途的创业家(Most Promising Entrepreneurs)。


  The world would certainly be a better place if we had more women entrepreneurs, said Breazeal. Women are going to bring a different angle to startups. The stereotype is that it is all young geeky guys and that is not true. It is critical for women to become entrepreneurs because of their unique perspective.


  Edited excerpts:


  Fortune: Give me a little background on your company.


  Susan Coelius Keplinger: We started the company in 2005, and we started doing similar things with ads that we are doing now. It didnt make sense to us why an advertisement on Yahoos homepage would sell for hundreds of dollars, but an ad on a blog shown to the same person would be some for 40 cents. If it is really about the person and the audience, it shouldnt matter what page that person it on. We are trying to build products and get access to an audience regardless of the site itself.


  Cynthia Breazeal: Jibo is building the worlds first family robot. Its like R2D2 and an iPad had a baby. Its the worlds first social robot. I founded the company in 2012 and now is the time to bring it to the world.


  How would you describe the stage that your company is at right now?


  SK: Its the rise of native advertising [advertorials, essentially], but less so from a deceptive standpoint. We have fallen into this really cool space. It used to be that people thought online advertising would never work because it wasnt good for the user experience. Now we are evolving toward an experience where advertising doesnt stand in opposition with the content. If the ads are good, youll engage with them.


  CB: Now we are going from the prototype to the actual manufacturer. Making that switch is the main focus right now, as well as finishing the software and getting the hardware manufactured. We are also looking to develop our developer community. We are busy. It is a lot of engineering, but we are cranking through it all.

  CB:现在我们正在从原型设计转向实际生产。这是我们目前的重中之重,其他工作还包括完成软件开发,进行硬件生产等。此外,我们计划培养自己的开发者社区。我们非常忙碌。有大量的工程设计工作要做,我们将全力以赴。 1/2 12下一页尾页