查英语 >英语考试作文 >托福范文 >托福Toefl作文模拟题附范文第45篇:实践学习和阅读学习哪个更好些推荐范文


更新时间:2024-04-26 04:04:57

  托福Toefl作文模拟题附范文 第45篇:实践学习和阅读学习哪个更好些 作文题目:

  Close observation opens up new worlds in many ways. It can tell us things we would otherwise never know. Most often, we see more when we look and listen. Fortunately, movies give us that option, but is requires diligence. Compare and contrast learning by doing to learning by reading.

  In your opinion, which is better? Explain.

