查英语 >英语作文 >小学英语作文 >关于国庆节小学一年级英语作文200字带翻译篇5


更新时间:2024-04-25 18:24:59


  Motherland, I am proud of you, proud of you! On the occasion of your XX birthday, I wish you the best!


  The flag raising ceremony began, and all the people solemnly stood and saluted the five-star red flag. When I saw the bright five-star red flag rising with the majestic music of the national anthem, I was very excited. I stare at the five-star red flag and think: the five-star red flag was dyed by the blood of those brave revolutionary martyrs. Without them, can we still stand here today? Without them, we would not have a happy life today.


  In the loud singing, the flag raising ceremony is close to the end. The song resounding through the campus lingers in my ears for a long time, and the five-star red flag fluttering in the wind is deeply engraved in my heart