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美式俚语小课堂:Look Over Ones Shoulder

更新时间:2024-04-25 20:07:45

  Look over ones shoulder直译为往后看、回头看;它还有一层引申义:

  Keeping watch for danger or threats to oneself.



  美式俚语小课堂:Look Over Ones Shoulder1

  [反恐24小时 S08E15]

  A: CTV is onto you.

  B: Im not afraid of CTU.

  A: Why are you looking over your shoulder all the time?

  A: 反恐小组盯上你了。

  B: 我不怕反恐小组。

  A: 那你(开车)为什么一直总往后看?

  美式俚语小课堂:Look Over Ones Shoulder2

  [大西洋帝国 S04E01]

  A: What do you want?

  B: To see a Broadway show, have the chop at Keens, do a little window-shopping, and not to be looking over my shoulder every second Im at it.

  A: 你想要什么?

  B: 看场百老汇演出,在基恩餐馆吃排骨,去逛逛街,而且不用时时刻刻提心吊胆。

  美式俚语小课堂:Look Over Ones Shoulder3

  [人质 S01E15]

  A: You picked the wrong side.

  B: Were not going to spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders.

  A: 你选错了阵营。

  B: 我们可不要这辈子都担惊受怕。

  小节:Look over ones shoulder,可表示动作上的往后看,向后瞧;其引申义为时刻小心警惕。
