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更新时间:2024-04-20 07:34:38


  8 Phrasal Verbs with Fall that you can use in Business English

  One look at the dictionary and you will discover that there are well over 10 phrasal verbs with the verb fall! Ive decided to focus on those phrasal verbs that are also used in Business English and consequently I have chosen 8.


  Here they are:

  1. Fall through

  If something like a deal or plan falls through, it fails to happen

  Example: After months of negotiations, our plans to merge fell through.

  2. Fall for

  If you fall for somebody it means you fall in love

  If you fall for something it means that you believe a trick, joke or a lie is true.

  Example: The market fell for all their over-optimistic reports about their profits.

  3. Fall apart

  If an organization, agreement or relationship falls apart, it no longer continues.

  Example: The longstanding relationship weve had with our suppliers is falling apart

  4. Fall behind

  To fail to pay something on time

  Example: Sales have been so tough that weve fallen behind with our loan payments to the bank

  5. Fall back

  To become smaller or lower in amount or value (drop)

  Example: The share price fell back 2% after profits warning was issued

  6. Fall down

  If an argument or system falls down, it fails because a part of it is either weak or not correct.

  Example: Charless arguments for a management buyout falls down on some key points.

  7. Fall into

  To start doing something by chance

  Example: I fell into the world of finance by accident

  8. Fall out

  To stop being friendly with someone after an argument.

  Example: Ed and Roger havent been on speaking terms ever since they fell out over which way the company should go in the future.