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更新时间:2024-04-19 22:21:45


  May I try this on? 我能试穿这一件吗?

  Could you help me pick out a dressy dress? 你能不能帮我挑一件漂亮的礼服?

  Charge or debit? (Credit or debit?) 现金还是计账?(信用卡是计账?)

  Cash back? 是否要找回现金?

  How are you州ng to pay? 你要怎么付款?

  Can you give me the invoice? 能不能给我一张发票?

  I What can I do for you,sir? 先生,您需要什么?

  What size does he wear? 他穿几号的鞋子?

  May I try on this sweater? 我可以试穿这件毛衣吗?

  We are having a clearance sale today. 我们今天清仓大拍卖。

  I like this tank top. It goes with my baggy jeans. 我喜欢这件背心,它跟我的布袋牛仔裤很搭配。

  Double coupon. 双重折价券。

  I dont like too much cleavage. 我不喜欢太暴露。

  I just want to buy some off-the-rack clothes. 我只想随便买一些现成的衣服。

  This shirt is very stylish and not very expensive. 这件衬衫看起来很时绪,而且不是很贵。

  I dont think this one will fit me. 我不觉得这件衣服我穿得下。



  Shop Assistant: Good mornina. Are you being served? Mr. Black:No. Id like a pair of shoes. Shop Assistant: What size do you take,sir? Mr. Black: Size seven. Shop Assistant: Try this one, please. How is it?Does itpinch anywhere? Mr. Black: No, it doesnt pinch. It seems to be a perfect fit. But I dont like the color. Do you have gray ones? Shop Assistant: Yes. Wait a minute,please. III get them foryou. Mr. Black: Yes,they are what I want. How much are they? Shop Assistant: Ten dollars and fifty cents. Mr. Black: Thats rather expensive,isnt it? Shop Assistant: No, sir. Its not expensive. Mr. Black: All right. III take it. Shop Assistant: Thank you. Will you pay at the deskplease? Anything else? Mr. Black: No, thanks.

  Shop Assistant:早上好。有人在招呼您吗? Mr. Black:没有。我想买双鞋。 Shop Assistant:您要多大的,先生? Mr. Black: 7码的。 Shop Assistant:试一下这双。怎么样?夹脚吗? Mr. Black:不,不夹脚。好像挺合适的。但是我不喜欢这种颜色。你有灰色的吗? Shop Assistant:有的,请稍等。我给您称过来。 Mr. Black:对了,我正想要这样的。多少钱? Shop Assistant:十美元五十美分。 Mr. Black:那太贵了。 Shop Assistant:不,先生,不贵了 Mr. Black:好吧,就拿这双吧。

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