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更新时间:2024-04-27 12:27:01



  How many eggs and how would you like them done?您要几个鸡蛋?几成熟? What do you want to drink, tea or coffee?您想喝点什么?茶还是咖啡? Could you bring me a glass of milk and a boiled egg?你能给我拿一杯牛奶和一个煮鸡蛋吗? Do you want to pay cash or sign the bill?您想付现金还是在账单上签字? Please sign your name and Room number on the bill.请您把您的姓名和房号签在账单上。 We have different sizes, 7 inches, 9 inches and 11 inches.Which do you prefer?我们有不同尺寸的蛋糕,有7英寸的,9英寸的和11英寸的,你想要那一种? 韦博英语精心挑选各种场合对话,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话,让我们开始进入酒店送餐英语的情景中吧。

  G:Id like you to bring me some food. 我希望你能给我送一些食物到我房间里来。 R: Just name it, sir. 好的,请讲,先生。 G:Please send up a bottle of champagne, lobster, and filet mignon, medium rare. 请送一瓶香槟,龙虾,四分熟的菲力牛排。 R: Regrettably, were currently out of filet mignon.May I suggest the porterhouse instead? 遗憾的是,我们目前没有菲力牛排。请问换成大脊骨牛排可以吗? G:Id love to, but Im allergic to strawberries. 我很想要,但是我对草莓过敏。 R: OK. The items will be charged to your account. 好的。菜单账目将记在你的账户上。 G:Go right ahead. 请便。 R: Our staff will bring you the food in as short a time as possible. 我们的服务员将尽快把你点的菜送过去。 G:Sure, I love porterhouse, too. 当然,我也喜欢吃大脊骨牛排。 R: Would you be interested in chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne? 你觉得巧克力草莓配香槟怎么样?



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